1 Right Turn Employee Directory

Finding a collegue is made easier with a custom search feature accessing employee data from an API. Utilizing an API and fetch for the employee data was a challenge but rewarding. The use of a modal window for employee information and with the ability to move back and forth between employees within the modal increases the functionality of this application. Overall, interacting with the API was a useful experience.

Project Breakdown

Helping to make finding, and contacting, your collegues fun

As with most of the projects from Treehouse we were given mockups on how the finished site should look. I have since re-branded the site to add a personal project to my portfolio as I have a keen interest in building my skills in branding and graphic design.

The Internet has evolved technically so much over the last number of years that’s a given, but visually it is a push toward a cleaner aesthetic which I really appreciate. The crossover into digital work utilizing graphic design skills, while increasing the functionality of applications in the digital realm, not to mention having a hand in making the Internet a more visually appealing place is very interesting to me.

Here are the original screenshots of the site which used Treehouse’s mockups.

Original Design


Modal Window

Modal window with contact info

Search Feature

Custom search feature filters employees

Redesigned Site

Updated looks including a new logo
and branding

To begin with I created a static version of this website using html, css, css grid, and Flexbox in order to get the bones laid out. This approach allowed me to make sure I had the html and css and working down to the pixel before adding the Javascript interactivity and the API data. Once the site was completed statically I moved on to the Javascript.

Next, the goal was create the twelve employee cards on the main page. To do this I created some global variables. Then I used fetch to pass the url information asynchronously from the radomuser API. This data was then available to me to inject into my html and for this I used template literals. When the page reloads a new group of 12 random users is displayed.

This project also includes a modal window that opens up when the user clicks on one of the employee cards on the main page displaying each employee’s photo along with their contact information.

Within this modal window I was asked to include a way for the user to go forwards and backwards through the employee index. For this feature I included appropriately sized arrows on either side of the employees photo. For better usability I included the ability to click anywhere outside of the modal window to close it. I included this feature since some users may find it difficult to focus their mouse on the small “x” that is located at the top right of the modal.

For the modal window I created the necessary variables and function to handle this task which again included using a template literal to inject the data into the html. This step also made use of object destructuring to help make the template literal cleaner.

I’ve also included a search feature that I used from another project. This makes it easy for the user to find the employee they are wanting to contact, they then can click on this employee to open the modal window.

Modal Window

Using a template literal to inject code

Tech Used In This Project

HTML / CSS / Grid / Flexbox


What I walked away with in this project.

This was a great exercise in creating the bones of the site first in html, css, css grid, and Flexbox. This cleared the way for me to build a semantically coded site first and then have all the pieces in place to start working in Javascript. This was the first time I used fetch and an API and it was rewarding to see the data inject into the various areas of the site. Creating the modal window and having it function was another reward.

I utilized a search feature that I built in another project in this project. It was great to be able to repurpose my code in this way. This project gave me the planning confidence when tackling other projects that make use of API's and other plugins. Also, I learned how to approach a project from start to finish in today's web development world to make best use of my time and resources.

Reach Out!

I look forward to hearing from you.