Illustrated Light Bulb with Multi Colored Gears Inside

Work / Personal Projects

Welcome to my portfolio. In this section you will find my latest work. Reach out and let me know what you think.


Wheel of Success

This interactive application is one of my heavier Javascript projects and I'm proud of it. Learning to work more with the DOM, manipulating data, using arrays and functions, CSS transitions and more all worked hand in hand to get this project going and made it unique.

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Fetching Data From The API

Utilizing an API for the employee data was a challenge but rewarding. The use of a modal window for employee information and with the ability to move back and forth between employees within the modal increases the functionality of this application. Overall, interacting with the API was a useful experience.

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Utilizing Charts.js

There are so many charts to see here. You can really enjoy gathering the data you need all in one place. The use of SVG's and the Chart Javascript library helped to make this project shine. Custom alert notifications, functioning charts, and my first forray into using local storage to save settings.

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Mobile First Development

This was my final project for unit 9 to complete my Techdegree with Treehouse Learning. As with all of my projects in this course I approached it with a mobile first mentality. I utilized a Javascript plugin for the various body animations.

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My First Search Filter

With a Javascript powered custom search filter you are bound to find the images you need quickly and efficiently. The site implements a Javascript lightbox plugin, and CSS Grid for the layout structure without the use of media queries.

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Reach Out!

I look forward to hearing from you.